AAA Kicks off Drowsy Driving Prevention Week with a Warning

A new survey from AAA is warning that if many of the drivers on the road with you are actually impaired by lack of sleep.  The survey was released for Drowsy Driving Prevention Week 2010, which runs from November 8-14 this year.  It indicates that two out of every five drivers have fallen asleep or at least briefly nodded off behind the wheel at one time or another.

Ten percent of drivers say they’ve done it in the last year, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found in a poll of 2,000 drivers.

Other findings from the AAA May-June survey and national data analysis:

• Drivers ages 16 to 24 were nearly twice as likely to be involved in a drowsy-driving crash as drivers ages 40 to 59.

• Male drivers are involved in two-thirds of drowsy-driving crashes.

• Most drowsy-driving crashes involved vehicles drifting out of their lane or off the road.

• Four percent of drivers said they had nodded off in the last month.

Source: Sacramento Bee