About SleepBetter.org

About SleepBetter.org


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Most people instinctively know that a good night’s sleep is good for them.

It’s not hard to tell that sleeping better has many benefits, including improved concentration, increased energy and a more positive mood. In fact, recent studies have shown that better sleep has both short and long term health and well-being benefits that are just now being understood. However, even with all these studies, the mysteries of why sleep is so good for us and how to get the best sleep possible are still largely unanswered.

Which brings us to our quest: we strive each and every day to learn as much as we can about sleep so that we can share this knowledge with you. In fact, we’re obsessed with sleep. (We stay up late just thinking about it!) We believe that better sleep means a better life. And we are devoted to helping you achieve that better life by bringing you the best sleep-related advice, information and products.

SleepBetter.org is our effort to share what we know with you and to create a forum for you to define, discuss, and discover solutions to you and your family’s particular sleep needs. We are devoted to making this an informative, open forum that provides the type of information and common sense advice that we can all use to sleep better. And although we will provide information related to sleep and sleeping better, we are not a medical site. If you believe that you, or someone you love, has a serious sleep disorder, we hope you will speak to a medical professional as soon as possible. We also hope that this site provides useful advice and information to help you and your family sleep better because no matter how well you sleep, you can always sleep better…

Look for this symbol before going to bed.

At SleepBetter.org, we also like to share tips on our favorite sleep related products, both in stores and online.

So look for the Sleep Better™ seal as a way to easily identify products recommended for their superior quality or scientifically based design.

You can thank us in the morning.