Ask Dr. Lisa: Best Diet for Sleeping?

Time for another edition of Ask Dr. Lisa, where our sleep expert answers your questions without an appointment!  We pick out sleep-related questions submitted on our Facebook Page, and send them to our medical sleep expert, Dr. Lisa Shives, for an answer. In this installment, Dr. Lisa talks about sleep and food.

Lisa Zimmerman asks: What is the best diet to have if you have problems sleeping?

Dr. Lisa says: I think there is very little research done in this area.  It is a big interest of mine. I recommend a light snack two hours before bed if dinner was so early that the person is getting hungry. It should have a low glycemic index, i.e. it should be low carb. Something with protein and some fat is best for satiety to last through the night. For example, a handful of walnuts or a piece of turkey rolled around some cheese.  There was one study that showed that tart cherry juice consumed three times a day helped people with their insomnia complaints.

Dr. Shives works with to provide a medical view of sleep issues. She is one of only a few practitioners with a fellowship in Sleep Medicine in addition to board certification by both the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Sleep Medicine.

Learn more about Dr. Lisa Shives by clicking here.