Lack of Sleep Equals More Risky Behavior in Teens

Teenagers who don’t get enough sleep may be at an increased risk of engaging in unsafe sexual behaviors, such as not using condoms or having sex under the influence of alcohol or drugs, according to new research.

“Teens by and large are not getting the recommended eight to 10 hours of sleep a night, due to a number of reasons, including biological changes in circadian rhythms, early school start times, balancing school and extracurricular activities and peer social pressures,” said Wendy M. Troxel, a senior behavioral and social scientist and lead author of the study. “Insufficient sleep may increase the potential for sexual risk-taking by compromising decision-making and influencing impulsivity.”

Troxel and her co-authors, all from RAND Corporation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan research institution, analyzed data from a large, longitudinal study of 1,850 racially and ethnically diverse adolescents and young adults in Southern California. The data were collected four times between 2013 and 2017. Participants were, on average, 16 years old in 2013 and 19 years old in 2017.

The teens reported their sleep schedules on weekdays and weekends and whether they had trouble sleeping in the four weeks prior to filling out the survey. The participants also reported whether they used alcohol, marijuana or other drugs right before or during sexual activity and whether they used condoms.

The teens were grouped based on their sleep patterns over the four-year period, including weekday sleep duration, weekend sleep duration, differences in sleep patterns between weekdays and weekends and sleep quality.

As for the weekends, most teens in the study were intermediate weekend sleepers, clocking in just over nine hours, while long weekend sleepers netted an average of 10.6 hours and short weekend sleepers got an average of 7.8 hours, said Troxel.

Contrary to what they predicted, the researchers found that adolescents who were short weekday and short weekend sleepers (i.e., those who consistently did not get enough sleep) were nearly two times more likely to engage in unsafe sex than those who slept in, on average, an extra 3.5 hours on weekends.

“Teens who were short weekday and short weekend sleepers were not getting adequate sleep during the school week and were not catching up on sleep on the weekends, and thus were chronically sleep-deprived,” said Troxel.

The researchers did not find that sleep quality had any effect on risky sexual behavior.

Troxel acknowledged that the findings pose a significant challenge for parents, clinicians and policymakers.  She suggested possible strategies that may help teens get the sleep their bodies need.

“Our recommendation is for parents and teens to find a middle ground, which allows for some weekend catch-up sleep, while maintaining some level of consistency in sleep-wake patterns,” she said. “We also need to encourage school districts to consider delaying school start times because this could make a substantial difference in helping teens get adequate sleep.”

Source: News Release