More Details on How the Lack of ZZZ’s Disrupts Your Diet

If you have been having trouble sticking to your summer diet it could be due to more than just willpower. A new study reveals that lack of sleep can make it easier for dieters to give in to the temptation of fatty foods. This small study was revealed at this year’s meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies. The researchers used a group of 12 participants and a series of pictures which included both healthy and high calorie foods, along with control picture of random objects.

It was found that those participants who were feeling more drowsy or fatigued that day focused more on the fatty foods than any of the other pictures. These participants were not extremely tired, but had only slept 2 to 3 hours less than they would in their normal routine. This study shows that even the smallest change in sleep patterns can affect your overall health and body figure. Next time you head for the scale, remember to get a good night’s sleep before.
