Nearly One Fourth of Workers Late Due to Not Sleeping Enough

A new survey out this week indicates that only heavy traffic beats out lack of sleep for the honor as the top excuse for being late to work.  The survey, conducted by jobs site Careerbuilder, indicates that fewer workers are actually arriving at their jobs late compared to last year.  One of their top excuses, however, is the concern of our staff here at  Of the excuses given in the poll, traffic woes took the top spot, with 34% of the respondents, followed closely by lack of sleep, which received 24%.

The news release announcing the survey results also listed actual crazy excuses given to bosses.  One of those excuses, “I dreamt I was already at work,” is particularly interesting.

It sounds as though lack of sleep is a significant problem in the workplace … or at least a significant problem causing people to not be IN the workplace.  For solutions on how to make sure you’re awake enough to stay employed, check out our article on “Sleep and Work“, found on SleepBetter’s Sleep Solutions page.