Poor Sleep Linked With Risky Teenager Behavior

It’s an unfortunate fact that most Americans don’t get enough sleep, and it’s an even more unfortunate fact that teenagers are included in those numbers.  New research indicates that this lack of sleep is having an impact on developing minds.

Adolescents require 8-10 hours of sleep, but more than 70 percent of high school students get less than that.  According to the new study, conducted by Brigham and Women’s Hospital, that lack of sleep could be leading to more risk-taking. 

“We found the odds of unsafe behavior by high school students increased significantly with fewer hours of sleep,” said lead author Mathew Weaver, PhD, research fellow, Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders, Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “Personal risk-taking behaviors are common precursors to accidents and suicides, which are the leading causes of death among teens and have important implications for the health and safety of high school students nationally.”

 The researchers examined a national data sample of risk-taking behaviors and sleep duration self-reported by high school students over eight years. Compared to students who reported sleeping eight hours at night, high school students who slept less than six hours were twice as likely to self-report using alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or other drugs, and driving after drinking alcohol. They were also nearly twice as likely to report carrying a weapon or being in a fight.

Researchers found the strongest associations were related to mood and self- harm. Those who slept less than six hours were more than three times as likely to consider or attempt suicide, and four times as likely to attempt suicide, resulting in treatment. Only 30 percent of the students in the study reported averaging more than eight hours of sleep on school nights.

“Insufficient sleep in youth raises multiple public health concerns, including mental health, substance abuse, and motor vehicle crashes,” said senior author Elizabeth Klerman, MD, PhD. “More research is needed to determine the specific relationships between sleep and personal safety risk-taking behaviors. We should support efforts to promote healthy sleep habits and decrease barriers to sufficient sleep in this vulnerable population.”

Source: News Release