Save Lives By Not Driving Drowsy

News that the engineer in charge of a train that derailed in New York recently was nodding off has brought drowsy driving to the forefront.  That train derailment killed four people and injured 67 others.

While most of us aren’t in charge of a passenger train, bus or tractor trailer, if we drive without the proper amount of sleep, lives are in danger.  Recent research conducted in France indicates that driving drowsy is essentially the same as driving drunk.  As frightening as that is, drowsy driving is all too common, with one in 24 adultsadmitting to falling asleep behind the wheel and one third of us admitting to driving while tired.

Here are tips from the National Safety Council to help you avoid nodding off while driving:

  1. Maintain a regular sleep schedule that allows adequate rest.
  2. When the signs of fatigue begin to show, get off the road. Take a short nap in a well-lit area. Do not simply stop on the side of the road.
  3. Avoid driving between 12am and 6am
  4. When planning long trips:
  5. Share driving responsibilities with a companion
  6. Begin the trip early in the day
  7. Keep the temperature cool in the car
  8. Stop every 100 miles or 2 hours to get out of the car and walk around; exercise helps to combat fatigue
  9. Stop for light meals and snacks
  10. Drive with your head up, shoulders back and legs flexed at about a 45 degree angle