Sleep and Obesity

If you’re looking for better sleeping habits, there are many tips out there that can help. However, you thing you need to pay close attention to is your sleep and diet. Many magazines, medical journals and websites contain tips for sleeping better, but only a few of those tips focus on sleep and weight. Even moderate weight gain over the years can cause a change in how you sleep. Extra weight around the chest and abdomen can suddenly make sleeping an uncomfortable experience. What’s interesting is the flip side to this topic. If you’ve ever wondered how sleep effects weight management, you’ve come to the right place. Studies show that when you’re tired, your body craves carbs in a bid to restore lost energy. Your body is geared to look after itself any way it can, and if your body begins to feel sleep deprived, it will cue your brain to start fueling up. Unfortunately, that fuel usually ends up being high-calorie, high-fat carbs. It’s quick, instant energy. Of course, the energy burst is short-lived and before you know it, you’re reaching for yet another chocolate bar.

It may seem a little far fetched to say that sleep loss and obesity are connected, but pay attention to your behavior the next time you’re feeling tired. If you’re particularly exhausted, the first thing to leave your daily routine will probably be exercise. Who wants to exercise when you’re tired? Pay attention to the kind of food you put in your mouth. When you’re tired, it’s much easier to just get take-out food, or snack on easy-to-eat convenience foods. After all, when you’re sleep deprived, the thought of actually washing, peeling and cooking anything substantial might seem a little too much.

Unfortunately, sleep loss and obesity simply can lead to more sleep loss and obesity. As you become more sleep deprived, you eat more and exercise less. As you gain weight, you may find it more difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. The trick is to avoid this cycle before it becomes out of control. If you’re having trouble sleeping, try to maintain your regular workout routine and force yourself to put down those high calorie convenience snacks. A little self-discipline can go a long way in curbing bad habits. Don’t be afraid of asking for help. You may just need some basic tips for sleeping better to get you back on track. Your doctor might be able to help, or maybe you can confide in a good friend or family member. Sometimes just talking about what’s bothering you is enough to get you back into a healthy sleep cycle.

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