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Learn About Sleep Throughout History [Infographic]

Learn About Sleep Throughout History If you’re a fan of this website, you understand that sleep is a fascinating topic and there’s a lot to talk about. Over the next 11 weeks, we’ll show you just how much, with a series of weekly infographics featuring a whopping 80 facts about sleep. This first graphic demonstrates…
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Bizarre Sleep Habits of U.S. Presidents [Infographic]

Just because you are President of the United States doesn’t mean your sleeping patterns are completely normal. In honor of Presidents Day, we present to you this infographic with just some of the unusual sleep habits of our leaders. Thanks to for allowing us to use their research and a portion of their infographic on…
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College Students Get (Not So) Fresh [INFOGRAPHIC]

In the last of our series of infographics, we take a look at how college students stack up against most Americans when it comes to amount of sleep and bedroom cleanliness. The results?  Well, the graphic below (click for a full-sized version) will show you that college students are in for a reality check come…
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The Life of a Pillow [INFOGRAPHIC]

What’s your pillow maintenance style? Do you wash regularly or are you more of a microbe risk taker? Check out our latest infographic below (click for a full-sized version) to see how you stack up and for tips on how get the best bounce out of your pillow. To view more SleepBetter infographics, visit our…
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Pets on Pillows [INFOGRAPHIC]

It’s no secret that our four-legged friends are carrying around a number of “friends” of their own.  Have you thought about what they carry into your bed?  Check out the infographic below (click it to see a larger version) from our Big Germ on Campus series and see how many Americans are sleeping with their…
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Pillows and the People Who Love Them [INFOGRAPHIC]

If you think about it, few personal possessions come in as close proximity, and for a significant period of time, as your pillow. Check out the infographic below (or after clicking “read more” if you’re reading this on the SleepBetter front page) where participants from our Back to College Study talk about the connection they…
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Meet The Microbes [INFOGRAPHIC]

They may be gross, but they’re your roommates. SleepBetter recently released a scientific study of pillows and mattress pads belonging to undergraduate college students across the country, and the findings were eye-opening. The first in our infographic series, Big Germ on Campus, outlined the findings of that study.  The second, found below, introduces you to…
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Big Germ on Campus [INFOGRAPHIC]

Yeast, mold, bacteria – OH MY! The results of a scientific study of the pillows and mattress pads of U.S. undergrads is in – and it’s not fresh. So the question is, what’s in your pillow? Check out the Infographic below to find out. This is the first in a series of Infographics from….
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