Between the global pandemic COVID-19, the shutdowns that have happened since it emerged, and the taking economy, there’s no debating that we are living in extremely stressful times. We have written several articles over the last couple of months about sleeping better during these challenging times, and one of the main points in each is…
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Moving more and sitting less was a challenge for many of us even before states started issuing stay-at-home orders. Despite disruptions to our daily work and exercise routines, there are some subtle changes we can make at home to help improve our mental health, and one of them includes sleep. Essentially, the research indicates that…
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According to new research that compares our sleep habits in January of 2020 to March of the same year, the COVID-19 pandemic is causing our quality of sleep to significantly decline. “The 2020 State of America’s Sleep” study was conducted by The Better Sleep Council (BSC), the consumer education arm of the International Sleep Products…
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It’s not news to say that many people around the U.S. and elsewhere in the world are stressed out right now. With COVID-19 spreading across the globe, if you don’t have the virus you’re likely concerned that you or a family member might get it. All of that stress is definitely not good for sleep. …
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One of the running jokes about our extended “time out” from society during social distancing is that all of us are drinking a lot of alcohol. Despite bars and restaurants being closed, it’s true that many people are drinking more than usual. It’s also true that overdoing it can lead to sleep problems. While it’s…
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Despite increasing awareness of how critical sleep is to our health, getting a good night’s rest remains increasingly difficult in a world that’s always “on” — responding to emails at all hours, news cycles that change with every tweet and staring endlessly into the blue light of cell phone, tablet and computers screens. It’s become…
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It’s a difficult time for some teenagers. Schools being closed across the country due to COVID-19 social isolation is a reason for some of them to celebrate. But, for some, not having the social time that comes with school and other activities can lead to depression. Now, a new study shows that bad sleep habits…
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We are living in interesting times, as schools across the country are closing for weeks at a time, and businesses are closing or encouraging teleworking, all due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All of this upheaval can wreak havoc on your sleep schedule if you let it. The first thing to try to nip in the…
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