It Went Away During the Recession, But Jet Lag is Back

During the recent severe recession, jet lag faded into the background as companies and individuals saved money by traveling less.  But, with the economy slowly rebounding, we’re starting to see a return of one of the biggest sleep problems — the disorientation and fatigue associated with traveling across multiple time zones.

A recent article in the Lansing State Journal looked at the issue:

No cure for the jet lag is on the horizon. The Food and Drug Administration recently rejected the latest claims that a jet-lag antidote pill had been developed. In December, the agency said biopharmaceutical company Cephalon could not add jet lag to the list of conditions that its stay-awake drug Nuvigil treats.

“There is no real substitute for a good night’s sleep,” said Dr. Clete Kushida, a neurologist and director of Stanford University’s Center for Human Sleep Research. Global commuters become experts at sleep management.

Sleep “is like a bank account,” said Ta-lin Hsu, founder and chairman of H&Q Asia Pacific in Palo Alto. “You can never get as much as you need.”

If you’re one of those individuals finding themselves traveling more and more, check out this article, which was originally written for the holiday season but includes some great tips to alleviate jet lag.