This past year was a big one for advancements in the science of sleep. We here at strive to make sure you you know about all of the sleep news available, while also giving tips to help you sleep better. So, as we approach the beginning of 2020, we did some research to find…
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Some people refer to New Year’s as a “one minute holiday” because the entire celebration is focused on that countdown to midnight. That may be true in many ways, but to get to that countdown requires staying up later than usual for many people. That can make January 1 a very tiring day. While the…
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The New Year begins next week and is preceded, as always, by New Year’s Eve. The problem with that particular holiday is that everyone expects you to stay up past midnight. If you’re not the night owl type, that can be difficult. While we can’t in good conscience recommend forcing yourself to stay up later…
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Holiday time is upon us, and with it comes family trips, household visitors, home decorating chores, party planning, gift-shopping and — of course — all those extra bills to pay. All of this added stress can lead to sleepless nights. In fact, the 2010 Holiday Slumber Index showed one in six Americans were expecting to lose…
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Contrary to common belief, blue light may not be as disruptive to our sleep patterns as originally thought — according to new British research. According to the team from University of Manchester, using dim, cooler, lights in the evening and bright warmer lights in the day may be more beneficial to our health. Twilight is…
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Doctors say the relationship between sleep and migraines is not well understood, but new research says nearly half of all patients who suffer migraines report sleep disturbance as a trigger for their headaches down the road. Investigators from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center conducted the largest prospective study using objective…
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Nurses sleep nearly an hour and a half less before work days compared to days off, which hurts patient care and safety, finds a new study by researchers at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing. “Nurses are sleeping, on average, less than recommended amounts prior to work, which may have an impact on their health…
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An estimated 30% of adults experience insomnia, and a new study by researchers at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons suggests that diet may be partly to blame. The study found that postmenopausal women who consumed a diet high in refined carbohydrates–particularly added sugars–were more likely to develop insomnia. Women whose diet included…
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A new study conducted by researchers at Washington State University shows that individuals with chronic sleep-onset insomnia who pulled an all-nighter performed up to twice as bad on a reaction time task as healthy normal sleepers. Poor daytime functioning is a frequent complaint among those suffering from insomnia, said lead author Devon Hansen. However, previous…
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Between marathon shopping trips, family gatherings, and office parties, drowsy driving is a big problem this time of year. A study of investigations done by the National Transportation Safety Board found that fatigue was a factor in 40% of highway crashes. Meanwhile, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drowsy driving is implicated in…
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