There are a number of recommended pillows and other sleep products on the market that are much more advanced now than they’ve ever been. Years ago, your only choices in pillows were various feather pillows, unyielding cheap foam, etc. Now, you can buy the kinds of sleep products that gently mold to your shape, respond…
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For sleeping questions and answers about school children and teens, go straight to the experts. Pediatricians and physicians can give you a wide variety of sleeping tips for teens, but it’s the people who actually see the effects of sleep deprivation in school students that can tell you more. Parents and teachers understand the connection…
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We have all heard about sleep deprivation connected to diet. From that extra slice of loaded pizza that kept you up half the night to the bloating and discomfort from a submarine sandwich that had you tossing and turning, cursing the way your diet affects sleep? Knowing this can put you back in control and…
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It’s only natural to believe that after sleeping through the night you should wake up feeling rested. Unfortunately, that’s not always true. There are different reasons for feeling tired after sleep; an uncomfortable worn pillow or an old mattress can cause unnecessary stress on your body, causing you to still feel fatigue after sleep. In…
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Family problems can cause sleep deprivation in many forms. Some are obvious: • You’re too worried about something going on in your family to fall asleep. • You found out about a family money problem and are too scared to tell your spouse, so you lie awake and worry about it. • Some family stress…
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Sleep deprivation among college students is surprisingly common. Whether cramming all night for exams, partying all night with friends, or simply not sleeping well away from home for the first time, there’s no question that there tends to be a lack of sleep in college student life. Sleep deprivation in college students may seem like…
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From babies that seem to sleep almost all day to toddlers that refuse to go to bed, children and sleep are a mystery to many parents and caregivers. Knowing good sleep habits for children can reduce the chances of those children having sleep problems later in life. So, how much sleep do children need? The…
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Are you looking for ways to get a better night’s sleep? One thing that can help is to reduce the amount of caffeine in your diet. You might be surprised to discover just how much caffeine you actually consume in a day. When looking for good sleeping tips, one of the first things mentioned is…
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You’ve heard the term “beauty sleep” but really, do you know how sleep affects beauty and how can you tell if you need beauty sleep? One way is to look in the mirror when you wake up in the morning. Take a moment and see if the dark circles you had when you went to…
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Athletes keep track of many things during training. Diet and exercise are at the top of the priority list. Equipment is always top notch and discipline is used to keep the regimen on track. But what about athletes and sleep? Many athletes will sacrifice sleep in order to train a little more, or get a…
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