Sleep Info » Sleep Tips

Sleep and Allergies

Some people are simply predisposed to allergies, and that predisposition can start very early in life. Unfortunately, targeting the culprit isn’t always an easy feat, especially when dealing with infants. A fussy baby is a natural occurrence, but there comes a point when you have to begin to rule out allergies. Some people may decide…
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Sleep and Aging

It’s true that there’s a link between poor sleep and the elderly, but unless you’ve reached your golden years, you may not feel ready to be lumped into that category just yet. There are all kinds of tips for better sleep. Maybe something as simple as new bed mattress pads will make all the difference…
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5 Tips to Sleep Better While Traveling for the Holidays

For a lot of people, the holiday season means traveling long distances to visit friends or relatives.  While we may look forward to this time of year, the travel itself can be exhausting.  Sleeping in a car or (even worse) an airplane can be difficult or even seemingly impossible, and if you’re traveling long distances…
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Sleep and Alcohol

An old home remedy for not being able to fall asleep is a “Hot Toddy” – a mixture of hot liquor with various additives (water, lemon, honey). It’s a wonder that any of the people using this old remedy ever got to sleep. What we now know about how to get better sleep shows us…
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Mini-naps are key in good sleep for seniors

Many people think that seniors just don’t need as much sleep as their younger counterparts. And while this could be true, it’s important to remember that seniors face their own set of circumstances and challenges when it comes to sleep.

Genetic jackpot!

Several factors determine how much sleep someone needs: age, lifestyle, health, and so on. And now, it seems we can add “genetics” to that list.

Put an end to your witching hour woes

It’s 7pm in the typical family’s household. Dinner is over. Bedtime is so close, yet so far. Kids are bouncing off the walls and collapsing on the floor in tantrums, and parents are trying to not tear out their hair.

Better sleep for the whole family

If even one member of the family has a lousy night’s sleep, the whole family dynamic suffers. If you’re sensing that sleep problems might be the source of some of your family drama, try these tips to help everyone rest easy…

Blue light causing your sleeping blues?

After a long, busy, and exhausting day, most of us prefer to unwind by sprawling out on the couch watching TV or wasting time on the Internet. But once the time comes to turn in, many people struggle to fall asleep. Studies show that blue light is to blame.

Why that “night cap” could be a bad idea

Even though alcohol is a depressant, it doesn’t have the positive effect on sleep like most people think.

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