Sleep Info » Sleep Tips

Sleep routines: Not just for babies

When your child was little, you probably had him on a predictable sleep schedule. Naps and bedtime came at the same time every day, and there were few outside distractions to keep you and your child from sticking to the routine.

Cut the carbs, go for protein

When you’re tired, your body sends a cue to your brain that you need to fuel up. Unfortunately, we tend to reach for high-calorie and high-fat carbs for quick, instant energy.

The chicken or the egg?

Does not sleeping make you overweight or does being overweight make you not sleep?

Does your infant have a sleep disorder?

The average infant sleeps 14 to 16 hours within a 24-hour period, while some babies even sleep up to 18 hours a day. At some point, your baby will sleep longer stretches at night, spending more time awake during the day. Interviews Jewel is in Stephenville to talk to people about their dreams, of course, and the local poster child for dream-achievement is Jewel, who lives outside of town on a 2,200 acre ranch with husband Ty Murray, the nine-time world champion cowboy. The outline of Jewel’s life is well-known: She grew up in Alaska on her…
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Newborn sleep stages: Helping your infant fall asleep

Sleep is a key factor in keeping a baby (and parents) happy and healthy. In helping your new baby develop good sleeping habits, it’s important to remember that newborns have a sleep pattern unlike any other they will have during their lifetimes.

Sleep and the ADHD child

The American Academy of Pediatrics defines Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as, “…a condition of the brain that makes it difficult for children to control their behavior.”

Helping your child get more sleep

If your child isn’t getting enough sleep, try one of these tips to help them catch more Z’s:

How much sleep should my child be getting?

It’s a rough transition from the sweet little newborn who sleeps 16 hours a day to the stubborn toddler who resists bedtime, wailing “But I’m not tired!”

Top 5 signs you’re not getting enough sleep

Beauty sleep is a real thing. The better you sleep, the better you feel. The better you feel, the better you look.

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