Sleep Info

Extra Weekend Sleep Will Not Repay Weekday Sleep Debt

It may seem counter-intuitive, but according to new research, it’s not possible to catch up on your sleep during the weekends when you haven’t slept enough during the week.  In fact, by some health measures, trying to play catch-up for a few days and then returning to poor sleep habits can makes things worse. “Our…
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Babies Lead to Six Years of Disrupted Sleep

We all know that having a baby leads to less sleep by the parents.  But, a new study has quantified just how much for both the father and the mother, and the numbers are staggering.  The birth of a child has drastic short-term effects on new mothers’ sleep, particularly during the first three months after…
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Scientists Find Genes Responsible for Insomnia

An international team of researchers has identified, for the first time, biological processes in the brain that can lead to a genetic risk of insomnia. The finding made possible by assessing DNA and sleep features in 1.3 million people. The findings are a major step towards getting grip on the biological mechanisms that cause insomnia. …
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Evening Exercise Won’t Ruin Sleep and Has Side Benefits

With growing time demands, many middle-aged adults are finding time to engage in exercise increasingly difficult. For many, even the thought of fitting exercise in after a busy day at work can be as tiring as it is unappetizing. The standing belief that high-intensity exercise should be avoided in the early evening due to its…
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Sleep Loss Increases Sensitivity to Pain

Pain and sleep have one obvious connection.  When we’re in pain, we have a hard time sleeping. But, new research indicates that lack of sleep also makes pain worse.  The research, conducted at the University of California, Berkeley, helps explain the self-perpetuating cycles of sleep loss, chronic pain and even opioid addiction. A 2015 National…
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Presidential Sleep Problems

Being President of the United States is one of the most stressful jobs in the world.  So, it’s understandable if the individual holding that position has some sleepless nights.  Today is President’s Day, so we decided it would be interesting to look at Presidential sleep habits and problems throughout the years.  Here’s a rundown of…
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Having a Healthy Relationship Helps With Sleep

New research shows that having a solid relationship can not only help you sleep better now, but well into the future. The study from the University of Minnesota documented how the quality of a person’s romantic relationship and the life stress he or she experiences at two key points in early adulthood (at age 23…
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Getting Enough Sleep Reduces Heart Disease Risk

Getting plenty of sleep provides too many benefits to list, but researchers are tracking down the reasons for one of them.  A number of studies have shown that insufficient sleep increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Now Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) investigators have discovered one way that sleep protects against the buildup of arterial plaques…
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90% of Young People With Sleep Apnea are Undiagnosed

Up to 15-percent of children have some type of sleep disordered breathing (SDB), which may include obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and new research indicates that 90-percent go undiagnosed because symptoms are attributed to psychological or emotional issues. Sleep apnea and related conditions can cause lasting damage to brain development during crucial years. As a result, children…
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Here’s Why Sleeping With Your Cell Phone is a Bad Idea

We are a nation (and largely, a world) that is completely addicted to our smartphones.  It used to be when you walked into a restaurant or a bar, you saw people holding conversations.  Nowadays, a significant percentage of those people are staring at their screens.  It’s bad enough that states have had to pass new…
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