One of the biggest causes of sleep disruption is alcohol, and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in six U.S. adults binge drinks at least four times a month. Now, new findings from the University of Missouri School of Medicine explain how a single episode of binge drinking can affect the…
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You may think that going to sleep will keep you from missing social opportunities, but new research says otherwise. In fact, poor sleep can literally kill your social life. Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have found that sleep-deprived people feel lonelier and less inclined to engage with others, avoiding close contact in much…
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What is your teenager doing when they’re supposed to be sleeping? The majority of parents say they’re staring at their screens. According to a new survey, 56-percent of parents of teens who have sleep troubles believe it’s because of electronic devices like smartphones. Not being able to stay off electronics – including social media and…
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Sleep problems are very common in low income areas but is often under-recognized and untreated. The reasons are often related to sleep health behaviors, stress, and adverse environmental conditions. But, a pilot study claims that it may have an answer: sleep education and yoga. “We were encouraged to see large improvements in self-reported sleep quality…
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Much of the country right now is watching the damage being caused by Hurricane Florence in North Carolina and South Carolina, as The Weather Channel and others go to wall-to-wall coverage with reporters all over the area. The situation is unfolding in slow motion, as the hurricane literally creeps down the coast. This means that…
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The school year is in full swing all over the country, and we all know how important a good night’s sleep can be for learning. A new study shows how sleep disruptions can be more of a problem for girls than boys. “What was most surprising is the fact that teenage girls reported a higher…
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When you have questions about pillows and other bedding, Happy Dan the Pillow Man is your guy! He’s happy because he always gets a good night’s sleep. Happy Dan is the alter ego of Dan Schecter, Senior Vice President at Carpenter Co., and the creator of He’s spent 30 years learning about pillows and…
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We’ve all heard about how the early bird gets the worm. But, who wants a worm if you’re not a bird? New research does show another benefit of being the type that prefers to wake up early — less chance of depression. The study of more than 32,000 female nurses, published in the Journal of Psychiatric…
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It’s a well known parenting trick: if your kid won’t sleep, take them for a ride in the car. There’s something about the vibrations of a car ride that just helps children sleep. The problem is, new research indicates those vibrations are doing the same thing to the driver. With about 20-percent of fatal road…
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It’s a stereotype that Americans will work themselves to death to get ahead. We don’t get enough sleep, and we don’t take near as much vacation time as the rest of the world. This stereotype is somewhat true, until you get to upper management. That’s apparently when people figure out to get a good night’s…
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