How much do you know about sleep? Are you a sleep sherpa, or simply a novice? Be sure to get a great night’s sleep, and then take our weekly sleep quiz! Here’s this week’s question: According to a 2012 study from pest control company Terminix, what is the most bedbug-infested city in the U.S.? Around…
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Bedbugs are a big topic these days, as news stories across the world have declared that bedbug infestations are on the rise. Unfortunately, the harsh winter seen in parts of the United States and across the northern hemisphere hasn’t helped. With most bug infestations, cold weather is a good thing, as the bugs die or…
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Warning: This is kind of gross, but it’s important info! The title of this article may sound like a cheesy B-grade movie from 50 years ago, but it’s actually a warning of a growing trend. Earlier this month, the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) alerted the world to the findings of its new study, which…
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This is the latest installment of a regular feature here at Sleep Myth Monday, where we bust sleep myths wide open, or verify that they’re actually not myths at all. Myth or Truth: An adult bedbug can survive for up to one year without eating. TRUTH It’s disgusting, but it’s true. Bedbugs seem to…
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This is the latest installment of a regular feature here at Sleep Myth Monday, where we bust sleep myths wide open, or verify that they’re true. Myth or Truth: It’s best to replace your pillow every three years. MYTH Pillows should be replaced every 18 months to two years. Beyond that time, they lose their…
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Philadelphia may be known for brotherly love, but it’s now known for something else much less pleasant — bed bugs. Pest control company Terminix has come out with its annual list of the most bed bug-ridden cities in the U.S. Philly stole the title from New York City, which held the top spot for the…
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You’ve read here at before about the rise of bedbugs in the United States and elsewhere, but now we know in what regions you’re most likely to see them. Forbes magazine contacted the two largest pest exterminators, Orkin and Terminix, and worked with them to create the list of the most bedbug-infested cities in…
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You read the title of this post and you had to figure it was a joke. It’s no joke. In Chicago, hundreds of exterminators, government officials, and other interested parties gathered this week to address the problem of the creepy crawly bugs (like the little guy to the left) that infest homes, offices, and seemingly…
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