Sleep Info

Research Digs Into the Body’s Desire to Sleep When Sick

It’s obvious that the best thing for you when you’re sick is sleep.  But, science doesn’t really know what makes you need to sleep when you’re not feeling well.  Humans spend nearly one-third of their lives in slumber, yet sleep is still one of biology’s most enduring mysteries. In a study of over 12,000 lines…
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Teens Too High on Screen Time, Too Low on Sleep and Exercise

Only one out of twenty adolescents in the United States is meeting national recommendations for sleeping, physical activity, and screen time, according to new research released this week. The study, conducted by The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth), also revealed differences in the findings between females and males, with just 3 percent…
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Sleep Apnea Creates Gaps in Memory

People with sleep apnea struggle to remember details of memories from their own lives, potentially making them vulnerable to depression, according to new research conducted in Australia. Estimated to affect more than 936 million people worldwide, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a serious condition that occurs when a person’s breathing is interrupted during sleep.  People with…
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You Can Learn While You Sleep

Years ago, you could buy language and even motivational tapes that were designed to be played while you slept.  Many people dismissed this technique, but new research shows it may have actually worked. Until now, sleep research focused on the consolidation of memories that had been formed during preceding wakefulness. However, learning during sleep has…
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How to Sleep Better Despite the Winter Cold

Assuming you have proper heat in your home and a comfortable place to sleep, winter can be one of the more enjoyable times of year to sleep.  Here are some tips to make the most of your sleep as we reach the coldest winter months: Don’t crank up the heat: New research indicates that by…
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Kids Using Screens in the Dark Before Bedtime Won’t Sleep as Well

Pre-teens who use a mobile phone or watch TV in the dark an hour before bed are at risk of not getting enough sleep, when compared to those who use these devices in a lit room or not at all. The study by British and Swiss researchers is the first to analyse the pre-sleep use…
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Rock Yourself to Sleep

It’s been long known that it’s a good idea to rock a baby to sleep.  According to a new study, we should all be sleeping that way. Swiss researchers from the universities of Geneva (UNIGE), Lausanne (UNIL) and from the University Hospitals of Geneva (HUG) have conducted two studies: one on young adults and the…
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Allergies Can Make You Lose Sleep in Winter, Too

Everyone understands allergies flare up in the spring, when everything is blooming and there’s a layer of yellow-green pollen on your car every morning.  These allergies can clog your sinuses and tend to include sneezing in their repertoire as well.  These symptoms don’t generally lead to a good night’s sleep.  But, while spring and summer…
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5 Ways to Declutter Your Sleep

De-cluttering is a huge trend right now, spurred on by Japanese organizer Marie Kondo’s books and her new Netflix series, “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo“.  People all over the world are going through their homes and tossing out old things that don’t, “bring them joy.” What would bring your world a lot of joy is…
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Beware These Surprisingly Caffeinated Foods

You’ve seen articles on SleepBetter time and time again that suggest you’ll sleep better if you avoid caffeine starting in the afternoon.  This is because the effects of this wake-up drug can stick around for five hours or more.  But, that doesn’t mean you should just avoid coffee, sodas, and energy drinks.  The average cup…
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