We’ve all become aware in the last handful of years about the risks of playing football. Repeated concussions can cause a variety of life-threatening health problems later in life. But, head injuries are not the only serious risk involved in playing the sport. Previous studies with professional football players have shown that sleep apnea, a serious…
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Humans and fruit flies may have not shared a common ancestor for hundreds of millions of years, but the neurons that govern our circadian clocks are strikingly similar. Now, University of Michigan researchers have made a discovery in fruit flies that may teach us a little more about our own sleep cycles. Using the fruit…
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The debate in sleep science has gone on for a generation. In short … why do we sleep? Psychiatrists Chiara Cirelli and Giulio Tononi of the Wisconsin Center for Sleep and Consciousness suggested back in 2003 that sleep is the price we pay for brains that are able to keep learning new things. A few…
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Just because you are President of the United States doesn’t mean your sleeping patterns are completely normal. In honor of Presidents Day, we present to you this infographic with just some of the unusual sleep habits of our leaders. Thanks to celebjury.com for allowing us to use their research and a portion of their infographic on…
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New research funded by the National Institutes of Health says it has identified risk factors for sleep apnea (interrupted breathing during sleep). The researchers say individuals who snore, are older, and are obese are at particular risk. “Our study found an easy, inexpensive way to screen large numbers of women at higher risk of sleep…
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An analysis of trends over the past two decades finds that while there’s a significant drop in fatalities from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and other sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUID), there hasn’t been a drop in such deaths among children in their first month of life. The report from investigators from MassGeneral Hospital for Children(MGHfC)…
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Many look at insomnia and think it’s a symptom of something else, such as stress, bad diet, lack of exercise, or even a disease. But, that may not be true at all. Researchers in Japan are looking at insomnia from a different angle — that insomnia is the cause of those problems. Using previous research…
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Nearly all animals studied need to sleep, but little is known about why some animals sleep most of the day, while others not as much. Researchers are trying to learn more by studying a fish that hardly sleeps at all. As a result of living in total and permanent darkness in a small location in…
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Every couple of years, the Olympic Games come along, and people lose a ton of sleep. Between television and the Internet, each time the games are held, it seems like more of the events are available for viewing either live or on time delay. What this means is that you could literally watch the Olympics…
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About a quarter of U.S. adults suffer from insomnia, which significantly impacts their quality of life. But, it’s not just the individual that suffers. Estimates put the burden of insomnia on the U.S. economy at a whopping $63 billion per year in lost productivity, increased health care expenses and costs associated with workplace errors and accidents….
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